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  • Writer's pictureNathan McNamara

Darkness Calls Final Product

Looking back on our ‘Darkness Calls’ I think the final product had a good direction and what we were aiming to achieve was reachable but there were some little details that we had missed that would have helped the overall experience a lot. Not focusing so much on the bad sound that we were given to work with and thinking more about the emotions we were trying to evoke. Giving the story line more attention and using the environment of the film to help keep the audience engaged is something we could have taken advantage of. I fell as though the overall product is in the ballpark of what we where going for. But the little details and not keeping the original plan in mind was where the film failed.

In terms of what we added to the film to enhance the experience, we put a lot of attention on spot effects and sound effects. The clips that we produced were high quality and fit the film well. We did miss a couple of spot effects like the camera shutter on the phone which although you don’t really pay attention to its something that if it isn’t there it is noticeable. He score was not what I personally was expecting but it definitely created tension and fear with the sound design while not being your typical orchestral and industrial horror soundtrack. I’m happy with the final product and with the feedback I have been given I can use it in future projects to enhance the film and better fit the scope.

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