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  • Writer's pictureNathan McNamara

Electronic Music Production

Electronic music covers a wide range of different sub-genres, that all use similar principles in order to achieve a specific sound. Genres that have caught my eye are ambient and house music and more so the artist Flume. Having only been recently introduced to this artist, Flume clearly uses multiple textures and sounds to create an atmosphere and a landscape to which his tracks are based.

Combining this with slower tempos and spacious samples which take on a lot of reverb and delay, especially in the track 'Numb & Getting Colder'(1).

Using vocals that are reminiscent of early house music in conjunction with these textures is what gives this genre a new style. Using delays, reverb and other time-based effects are what give ambient music its specific style, it creates a space in which the music exists. Another artist, 'ODESZA', although slightly more upbeat seems to use the same theory of creating an environment for sound..

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1 comentário

Nick Wilson
Nick Wilson
15 de out. de 2018

A couple of good artists to look at. Be a little more specific with your analysis though. What sort of samples are used? Where can we hear the delays and reverbs you're talking about? What elements interest you about Flume's music and which for Odesza? How would you define the vocal style of early house music?

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