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  • Writer's pictureNathan McNamara

FOH Consoles and Workflow

I recently trying to get ahead and wrap my head around Live sound as its the most interesting field for me. And so I've been watching a bunch of the FOH Mixing videos and I came across the Ozzy's FOH Greg Price's and he explains how he uses the Avid S6L and plugins. one thing that is super interesting was how he gets Ozzy's triple-tracked vocals in a live setting. he stacks the Waves Vocal Doubler. He mentions that in order to pull this off you have to get the settings right so that long delays and reverbs can be used. I thought was cool because instead of using pre-recorded takes from previous shows as a backing track Price just uses simply, delay and pitch changing.

I also found this great video from Ken van Druten who does FOH for Iron Maiden. And in the workflow section breaks down his routing on the DiGiCo SD7 with Waves, which I think has the best layout for live. the way he has his mics routed to the desk is really practical and one thing that made a lot of sense to me is that on every single fader bank he has the tree vocals sitting on the first three faders. So he can always have quick access to his vocals. Another thing I picked up watching these videos, is how these engineers are grouping and using stems/buses. It's pretty much the same as in the studio, just that when using the digital consoles your switching through banks.

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