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  • Writer's pictureNathan McNamara

Post-Production Intensive

For the first intensive of trimester four, I'll be studying post-production. Producing sound and audio, creating emotion and achieving indulgent projects are what I think will be the main focus of the intensive. Being able to draw an audience in and captivate the individual leaving them with something more than what they were offered is what I hope to create. In this intensive, I think I will definitely have to increase my understanding of film production and sound effects in order to achieve high-quality work. Being in groups will help, with people having different backgrounds in audio. The collaboration between film and audio will definitely help build my skills.

In terms of my prior knowledge of post-production, I don't think I have ever paid close enough attention to the field. So my understanding of how things work between audio and film are basic. I am aware of film score writers like Zimmer and Williams but that is really as far as it goes. From what I learnt in trimester three, a lot more thought and critical analysis is needed in order to create the right sound SFX and foley along with soundtracks and dialogue and sync edits. The recording methods are completely different from regular music production. One of the main things that interest me in this intensive is the film score or soundtrack.

I found the first couple of minutes of this video very interesting. The fact that Nolan had only given Zimmer some dialogue and a very small synopsis for the film, and let Zimmer go away and have almost complete artistic freedom to create what he wanted is quite astonishing, while not even knowing the genre of the film. I think this is a very unusual method but it most definitely worked.

The post-production for the movie 'A Quiet Place' also is quite interesting as there are only 90 lines of dialogue which are mostly whispered. So the attention to detail for post is of much higher importance.

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