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  • Writer's pictureNathan McNamara

Song Exploder Continued

After receiving some constructive feedback on my song exploder demo, my job now is to sharpen up the quality of some the sections and find a drummer and vocalist in which the drummer has already been filled. Being as the drum part isn’t to complicated I believe my drummer will fill the spot well. 

In terms of polishing up some of the sections throughout the song, I need to create some variation in the synth section the the back half of the song, with the song repeating its structure quite a lot. I will  continue complete my plan for recording drums including microphone selection, placement, pre amps, outboard and ITB processing along with play style and over all feel. 

Having already written the drum parts that includes the groove and feel I am looking for, tonality will be the biggest challenge as Taylor Larson’s drum sound is quite unique but with with his signature drum sample pack I think I can capture the right sound.

After completing drums, it will then be onto vocals as the guitars, synth and bass have already been recorded. In terms of vocals, my goal is to create a very smooth and sparkly sound which I know is quite dependent on the vocalist. I am going for a female vocalist as I feel Larson’s female vocal sound will fit this version well. Again microphone choice and placement will be very important.

Overall I will need to continue planning and making sure I stick to the brief in creating the right sound.

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