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  • Writer's pictureNathan McNamara

Studio Reflection

After assessing our studio intensives final product I think that what the module of work requires and teaches is very useful, as it pushes the component of teamwork, creativity and critical thinking. This helped our group analyse the structure and timbre of our demo and compare it to our reference tracks. I will definitely continue to pursue a path in the studio as it’s where my interests are most focused and it’s where I have the most fun.

For the assessment, we were given the task of taking one of two demos given to us and turn them into a full production, which included writing, recording and mixing. We decided as a group to take the “Distant Friend” demo and create a psychedelic rock song referencing Tame Impala’s “Apocalypse Dreams” and “Mind Mischief” with also Alabama Shakes’ influences. Overall the final product was very good and a success. There are some things that if given more time would have been of higher quality, but I believe the track is very passable.

As a group we performed, as we knew what we were looking for and the sound we were after. We focused heavily on guitars and effects to find to right ambience and space for the track to help illustrate the genre we had chosen. Communication between the group was good, we had created a group chat which made file sharing easy and helped keep everyone on the same page. Roles on the mixing day weren’t really discussed but we all found our place and everyone gave their opinions on the direction of the mix. This was beneficial as the different outlooks on the track created variety in sound and feel. As an individual, I performed very well. I believe I made a noticeable contribution to the process that was a positive go the final product. I was able to let things that I didn’t necessarily agree with take place, while also giving my own advice on certain things within the production. I was given the task of writing the drums and creating a drum sound that we would try and achieve. Although we didn’t reference this too much it helped complete the pre-production of the song before we started tracking.

The final product is of high quality, achieving the sound we had set ourselves of creating. There are definitely noticeable style similarities between our final track and our references. Structure and instrumentation are very relevant to the genre and timbre. We could’ve spent a lot more time getting our sound to tape better, which would’ve given us more freedom in mixing. Giving our artists more time to learn and understand their part, and making sure they were completely comfortable with performing the style of music we were asking for, would’ve given us better quality tacks to work with.

Comparing our track to professional work, I would say that with more attention to detail and better quality tracks to tape would have helped us reach that standard. As for our group working on a track together for the first, the song produced was of a very high standard. More time on mixing could’ve given us the opportunity to fix little issues with the final master but overall the track is very passable.

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