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  • Writer's pictureNathan McNamara

The Colour and The Shape

I recently have been watching Warren Huart’s videos on the engineering behind some of the songs from the Foo Fighters, “The Colour and The Shape” album. There is a video for “Everlong” and “My Hero”, and Warren sits down with Bradley Cook you recorded and engineered the record to give an insight into the techniques and reasoning behind some of the decisions he made.

The record had already been written and recorded once beforehand at Bear Creek Studios and later again at the iconic Grand Master Studio in California. The setup for the microphones was really standard having a 57 on snare top and bottom, u87 and a 57 on the guitar cab all running through 1084 pre’s onto tape. But I guess what is really interesting is the gear choices for the guitars. Dave Grohl had a Gibson RD Standard through a Fender Tone Master into a Boogie 4x12 which is a mishmash of tone but sounds really good. Pat Smear apparently had Kurt Cobain’s old live rig for this record which was a mysterious preamp with a Crown 1000 watt power amp through a Marshall 4x12. But the strangest thing was Pat’s guitar. It was a very weird Hagstrom that was semi-acoustic in a Les Paul shape with a neck pickup. There was also an Astatic JT40 Mic they used for effect on some vocals and the female harmony that was recorded through a telephone. There were recordings of conversations, two drum kits on one track and multiple room sounds. The production on this record although nothing out of the ordinary with little surprises here and there is an example of when things are done right and with purpose, the end result can be unbelievable.

Watching this video makes creating records really fun especially when everyone one is tight and good at their job. So I can’t wait to make something like this.

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