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  • Writer's pictureNathan McNamara

The Lovers Post-Production

The first intensive of trimester 4 was somewhat enjoyable as post-production isn't my most favoured aspect of audio. It was very informative as the workflow is

very different to recording and producing a song. There are certain skills that are required in order to make post-production believable and usable, and it

needs a level of creativity that helps you think outside the box. In some cases there can be a lot of work, having to do location recording, sampling, creating

reverbs and recreating sets. If an opportunity that was related to post that i was really interested in came up i would most likely take it but pursuing an

avenue in post wouldn't be my first choice. So for this intensive we had to reproduce all the sound for a student film, "The Lovers", a post-apocalyptic film.

this required, spot fx, foley, a soundtrack, and some location recording. Recording foley and sound fx was definitely the best part of the intensive as it allowed

for creativity and critical thinking for how to get the desired result. As a group I think we did well, but communication and more interest from myself and the

others would've created a better and more fluent result. Looking back, spending more time on a plan and critical analysis on what the film needed was not as high

up on our list as it should've been. I think this would have helped us streamline our practices and produce better quality edits, recordings and given our group

an easier understanding of what needed to be done to achieve our desired results. our soundtrack most definitely needed more attention as it was left to the last

minute and completed by one of our members. Overall for it being one of my first attempts at taking on post-production, I think I could comfortably work in this

environment as a team or individual. Compared to professional films, our post-production, needs some work, but with time and experience will come better products.

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