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  • Writer's pictureNathan McNamara

Trimester 4 Reflection

This trimester was a lot of fun. Learning new consoles and techniques, along with creating some great music in the freelancing module. Also doing a podcast for the first time was a lot for interesting than I thought it would as I got to meet some interesting people. But there are still some things that need work, especially in the soft skill department.

I’ve always struggled getting rid of bad habits, but ever since starting university, it seems to have improved. I’m always trying to work harder and keep up to date, but laziness gets the best of me. I know It all comes down to discipline, even when I have to do things, I think I can leave to the last minute like the blogs. My overall performance this tri I believe has put me in the credit category. I think that my practical work was good enough to land in the distinction but my soft skills and especially time management are what bring it down to a credit. Especially seeing as handing things in on a weekly basis was pretty much non-existent for me. I was keen and up to date throughout the first intensive but after getting after catching the flu, I seemed to use this as an excuse to push things back and I think that this is where I fall into the credit. Although the work was completed it wasn’t on time and in turn hindered the quality. I will say that it has certainly improved since the previous two trimesters.

Finding interest in the work was much easier as it required you to make your own way and gave me the freedom to create what I wanted. I think that this will definitely assist me in creating a capstone project that I can work hard towards and be proud of, just making sure along the way I stick a schedule and create a reason to accomplish my goal. This trimester was certainly a great start to on building on work ethic and commitment towards projects.

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